The dramatic picture shows what seems to be a small skirmish between Ancient Britons and Roman soldiers -- about to be reinforced by a larger force of Romans sallying forth from a fortlet (milecastle on Hadrian's Wall?). Presumably, we cannot see the main body of the Ancient Britons? All designed to stir the imagination! (It obviously worked for me.)
Remarkably, the contents appear to be complete and undamaged. Even the original instructions are still present, hiding under the snap-together buildings. (I was brought up to take care of my things.) The outer lid shows the expected signs of use and wear, and also some staining at the top where it must have got damp or wet. (Oh dear, I don't know what happened there!)
I have been interested in the Romans for many years -- I still am -- and even at the tender age of ten or so, I knew that the fortlet was a fairly good representation of a Hadrian's Wall milecastle (albeit that the defensive walls would be thicker and the precise ashlar masonry construction would be considerably rougher on the real thing).
My reluctance to part with my old possessions has apparently made this a collector's item now. A quick scan of the internet suggests that it might be worth around £60 (at early 2018 prices) -- although I have also seen examples listed for €150! I would be happy to see it go to a good home if someone would like to make me a suitable offer...